Daily .NET Tips is aiming to sharing useful coding tips and tricks for .NET Developers. This site completely design for sharing Tips and Tricks, useful Code Snippet which anyone use in daily development work and targeted anything related with .NET. This month we have wide range of tips including Threading, MEF, WPF and MVC. In this post I am quickly listing down all the tips which are published over the month August 2011
- Working with AggregateCatalog in MEF
- Working with DirectoryCatalog in MEF
- Working with AssemblyCatalog in MEF
- Working with TypeCatalog in MEF
- How to use DebuggerTypeProxy while debugging your sensitive Type
- ASP.NET Calendar Control as Outlook Calendar
- Initialize assemblies using PreApplicationStartMethod for ASP.NET 4.0 Application
- Async Lambda Expression
- Playing with ASP.NET List Controls using jQuery
- How to allow user to input html in ASP.NET MVC?
- Using Mutex to avoid deadlocks
- Writing inline Code in WPF
- What is SynchronizationContext all about
- ThreadLocal storage in .NET
- Barrier in .NET 4.0
- Use of Interlocked in Race Condition
- Call ASP.NET Page Methods using your own AJAX
- Use of SpinLock for ThreadLocking
- Using ReaderWriterLock over Monitor for Thread Locking
- What is the use of IsBackground property of Thread?
- Enable Address Level Debugging in Visual Studio
- Get List of all Control Types in WPF
- How to apply simple faded transparent effects on WPF controls ?
- Use Visual Studio Server Explorer to Add New or Existing SQL Server CE Database
- Co-Ordinated Thread Shutdown with and without using CancellationTokenSource
- Generate thousand of request
- Writing a Stretchable ContentControl in WPF
- How to Retrieve WPF Visual Tree Programmatically ?
- What is Visual Tree and Logical Tree in WPF?
- Dealing with HWND in WPF
- Hosting a WPF control inside a Windows Form